Dress Code

As always, professionalism and modesty is the key to proper dress code for Student Congress. This is an opportunity for you to dress in business professional attire.

Young Ladies should dress as we see our legislator's dress. We ask that you wear skirts that come no higher than just above the knee with a blouse and/or jacket. You may also wear dress pants.

For young ladies, the key is modesty, so please avoid revealing necklines, bare midriffs, any clothing that is excessively tight, skirts that are too short, or tennis shoes.

Gentlemen need either a full suit or dress pants, sport coat, and tie, just as we see our legislator's dress. Please do not wear tennis shoes.

If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your choice of outfit, please email or speak with the tournament director, Mrs. Suzanne Myhre at smhgfg11@gmail.com, or your parent or Club leader before the tournament.

As we represent the Lord Jesus and home education at the Capitol on Rally Day and in Student Congress, we thank you as we together bring the good report of home education to our Governor, our legislators and our state Capitol!